I find myself reflecting about this past year now as we approach the new one in a few days. I think about how so much has happened, but then I think that so much happens every year. So what makes this past year any different than the others? I think it has to do with the fact of moving into areas of uncertainty...
We moved from the home we knew for 18 years. When divorce came (4 years ago) and everything changed; the way I viewed myself, my aspirations and a lot more. When I moved out of the home that I was so familiar with I felt
vulnerable for sure, but I was also given a view of hope and change. I don't mean for this to get sappy. What I am trying to say is that this past year has been filled with introspection...lots of introspection of what makes me tick and why. AND is that particular thing that makes me tick good for me or should it get tossed out?
reinvention or realization of new hopes at 40...I know I am not the only one who this resonates with :o)
New home (in the country
finally), kids happy and healthy, another degree for me to work on towards helping others who are walking through the same type of hardships that I have known, new friends and old too...
dreaming of changes to personalize this home we are in...living in memories of a married couple that lived here for many years before my family that I will
always cherish all the while needing to make this space
ours. busy...live is so busy for everyone! Will I choose to endure or will I celebrate every day this life that God has given me? And how is that done in the midst of the bad days? these are all so good to think about...
I drink coffee with my girl Aliss, message with my sister in law in Canada and my mother in Alaska
We will go to piano and voice lessons and get groceries
We will cook and eat beside each other and I will be so happy and thankful
Hoping your day is filled with many good things!